Teaching Experience in India

                    Specialty: Cardiology

40 years of undergraduate teaching experience.
36 years of postgraduate teaching experience.

Teaching Experience Abroad

Undergraduate experience at the  Malay Medical School in Kuala Lumpur in 1981, 1991. 
Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching at the Al-Fatah University Medical School, Tripoli, Libya in 1982.
Postgraduate lectures at the department of Cardiology & Hypertension, New York Hospital on 3 occasions during 1987, 1988 and 1990.
One week’s lecture and visits - Muscat, Oman in 1988.
PG lectures at the May Day Hospital, London in 1990 & 1991.
One week MRCP teaching in HOFUF Saudi Arabia.
Three days MRCP teaching in Royal Hospital, Mascut, Oman.
Two weeks teaching at Kuwait University, Kuwait.

Awards and scholarships | Medical training | Teaching experience | Visiting professorship | Experience as an examiner | Membership of committees |
Membership of professional bodies | Extra curricular | Orations | Lectures | Inaugural address Publications | Books published | Appreciation |
Scientific assessment | Holistic medicine | Photo album
