Book Reviews Holistic Medicine

"We hope to re-produce parts of `HOLISTIC LIVING' in the journal." Editor, Journal of Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
"Delightful, instructive, thought provoking and full of wisdom" Dr Richard Emmanuel, Emeritus Cardiologist, National Heart Hospital, London.
"Bang up-to-date" Dr Andrew Doig Chief Physician, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
" interesting and informative…."

Tony Blair, Prime Minister of United Kingdom.
April 4, 2000.

It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been appointed as an Affiliate Professor of Community Health in our College. You richly deserve the recognition for your excellence and many accomplishments. I am especially pleased with your appointment because your record indicates the kind of intellectual excellence and professional leadership for which the department of Community Health is noted. I know you will be a valuable asset for our faculty and students.

Once again, congratulations, and welcome to the College of Health and Human Sciences.
Vincent A. Scalia, Ed.D.
Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy, Bangalore


"For all that you have done to us, SIR, we have humbly decided to name the newly built Auditorium in your honourable name. Sir, we do know that you do not entertain any kind of publicity, but we request you to agree for once, because in the coming days we want the new generation of students to know that such an eminent and dynamic personality was our guiding light to us in all our endeavours."

India Development Foundation.
Bangalore - 560 017.

"………… Your dynamism, sincerity of purpose and dedication to the cause of future welfare of humanity are very admirable. I wish every University in India is headed by VCs like you. THEN ONLY OUR FUTUTRE GENERATIONS WOULD BE BETTER EDUCATED…………….."

Mr. E.P.Menon.
Executive Trustee.
April 18, 2000.
Epigraphical Society of India’
Silver Jubilee Conference

".. All the scholars were of the opinion that you were not only a Doctor of Medicine but you were holding a doctorate degree either in history of epigraphy. That was the impression they had after listening to your inaugural address…."

H.Krishna Bhat.
Local Co-ordinato


Awards and scholarships | Medical training | Teaching experience | Visiting professorship | Experience as an examiner | Membership of committees |
Membership of professional bodies | Extra curricular | Orations | Lectures | Inaugural address Publications | Books published | Appreciation |
Scientific assessment | Holistic medicine | Photo album
